Purcell, Henry: Ah, How sweet it is to love; Purcell, Henry: There's not a swain on the plain; Haydn, Joseph: The spirit song; Haydn, Joseph: My mother bids me bind my hair; Schubert, Franz: An die musik; Schubert, Franz: Auf dem Wasser zu singen; Schubert, Franz: Meeres Stille, D. 216; Schubert, Franz: Ungeduld; Schubert, Franz: Die allmacht; Saint-Saëns, Camille: Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix, from Samson et Dalila; Guastavino, Carlos: Cita; Guastavino, Carlos: La rosa y el sauce; Granados, Enrique: Danza no. 5 : Andaluza; Tavares, Hekel: Funeral d'um Rei Nagô; Falla, Manuel de: Jota; Johnson, Hall (arr.): Nobody knows the trouble I see; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Sinner, please doan let dis harvest pass; Payne, John (arr.): Crucifixion; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Ride on, King Jesus
Resource Type:
Physical Description:
32 p.; 23 cm
Personal Name:
Anderson, Marian; Rupp, Franz
Corporate Name:
Los Angeles Philharmonic Auditorium; Hurok Attractions, Inc.
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