Donaudy, Stefano: O del mio amato ben; Scarlatti, Alessandro: GiĆ il sole dal Gange; Cesti, Antonio: Tu mancavi a tormentarmi, crudelissima speranza; Beethoven, Ludwig van: Freudvoll und leidvoll : op. 84, no. 4; Beethoven, Ludwig van: Mit einem gemalten Band : op. 83, no. 3; Beethoven, Ludwig van: Wonne der Wehmut : op. 83, no. 1; Beethoven, Ludwig van: Neue Liebe, neues Leben : op. 75, no. 2; Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich: He truly loved me so : op. 28, no. 4; Rachmaninoff, Sergei: The soldier's bride : op. 8, no. 4; Quilter, Roger: Dream valley; La Forge, Frank: Song of the open; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Go down, Moses: Let my people go; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr): Wade in de water; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Oh, wasn't that a wide river; photocopy of severely damaged, torn program; Kosti Vehanen, accompanist
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