Handel, George Frideric: Tutta raccolta ancor; Scarlatti, Alessandro: Se florindo è fedele; Haydn, Joseph: The spirit's song; Haydn, Joseph: My mother bids me bind my hair; Schubert, Franz: Aufenthalt; Schubert, Franz: Liebesbotschaft; Schubert, Franz: Der Doppelgänger; Schubert, Franz: Der Erlkönig; Barber, Samuel: Nocturne : op. 13, no. 4; Swanson, Howard: The Negro speaks of rivers; Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich: None but the lonely heart : op. 6, no. 6; Quilter, Roger (arr.): Blow, blow, thou winter wind; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Oh, didn't it rain; Johnson, Hall (arr.): Hold on; Brown, Lawrence (arr.): Hear de lambs a-cryin'; Johnson, Hall (arr.): Roll, Jerd'n, roll; Lawrence, William (arr.): Let us break bread together; Johnson, J. Rosamond (arr.): Done found my lost sheep; Forrest, Hamilton (arr.): He's got de whole world in his hands; Price, Florence (arr.): My soul's been anchored in the Lord; duplicate of 8739#6, without handwriting
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