Letter; Union Insurance Company; Jacobs, Benjamin James; Meredith, William; Gompert, Gompert S.; New York, New York, United States; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States; 1811 February 10
Meredith, William; Jacobs, Benjamin James; Gompert, Gompert S.; Union Insurance Company
Letter from Benjamin James Jacobs to William Meredith, regarding Gompert S. Gompert's suit against the Union Insurance Company, who had refused to pay Gompert's claim for total loss of a cargo of sugar in 1805 from Surinam to New York City, handled by William Meredith. The letter alerts Meredith that Jacobs has been assigned the insurance and thus the proceeds of the suit against the insurance policy, and advises Meredith to draw on him for legal fees and costs which Gompert had not paid; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA
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