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The Place de la Constitution, Athens--Athens Was a Flourishing City at the Time Daniel the Prophet Wrote his Book, and he Refers to Greece as the Great Power Which is to Struggle With Persia

Bain, Robert E. M.
1 photograph; b&w
Bertrand and Paola Lazard Holy Land Collection
Physical Description:
25.4 x 17.4 cm ( 10 x 6.875 in).
A three-story palace with columns. People can be seen on the roof. In the foreground are a horse-drawn tram and street lamps.; The photograph is in a book with a typed description. The description: "(Daniel, viii.)--In the eighth chapter of Daniel the struggle is predicted between the Persian and the Grecian powers. The animals under which these powers were represented were the ram and the he-goat. At the time this prophecy was written the Corinthian order of architecture was invented in Greece by Callimachus. Anacreon, the poet, was alive, as well as Pythagoras, the philosopher, and the third tyranny of Pisistratus was being endured at Athens. We give as illustrating the Grecian side of this history a picture of the Place de la Constitution. In the center of these grounds is the residence of King George the first. This king was placed on the throne of Greece in 1863. He is the son of the king of Denmark, and brother-in-law to the Prince of Wales. He is popular with his people, and in times of distress and calamity he leads in relieving the suffering, and in giving comfort and encouragement to the people."; The photograph was not catalogued by Lazard--it was catalogued at LKCAJS.; Condition: Good
Lenkin Family Collection of Photography (University of Pennsylvania)