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Bedouin Village Near Jericho--The Plain Lot Selected

Bain, Robert E. M.
1 photograph; b&w
Bertrand and Paola Lazard Holy Land Collection
Physical Description:
25.4 x 18.1 cm ( 10 x 7 in).
A group of Bedouin homes and tents.; The photograph is in a book with a typed description. The description: "(Genesis, xiii:10.)--'And Lot lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.' In the above picture we have a view of a Bedouin village as it appears to-day, that stands in the very plain of Jordan that Lot saw well watered everywhere. The waters from Elisha's Fountain, that have always been used to irrigate this plain, pass through this village. It would be hard to conceive of a village with a more tumbled-down, wretched appearance than this, and the people who live in the village are as degenerate looking and degraded as one would judge them to be from their place of abode. These houses are seven or eight feet high, and are built of stone, and are then covered with thorny acacia trees. This is about eight miles from the ancient site of Sodom and Gomorrrah." The copyright year and photographer's name are printed at the bottom of the photograph, along with "Franklin Co Eng-Chi." See 5226BAI/LVi144CAJS (Voyager # 359459).; The photograph was not catalogued by Lazard--it was catalogued at LKCAJS.; Condition: Good
Lenkin Family Collection of Photography (University of Pennsylvania)