Handel, George Frideric: Care selve, from Atalanta; Frescobaldi, Girolamo: Se l'aura spira; Caldara, Antonio: Infelice risignudo; Handel, George Frideric: Arioso: Dank sei Dir, Herr; Schubert, Franz: Der blumen schmerz; Schubert, Franz: Der Wanderer an den Mond; Schubert, Franz: Der Wegweiser; Schubert, Franz: Der Erlkönig; Duparc, Henri: La vie antérieure; Fauré, Gabriel: Au bord de l'eau : op. 8, no. 1; Saint-Saëns, Camille: La cloche; [Vehanen, Kosti: On board ship; Vehanen, Kosti: The call; Vehanen, Kosti: Thine image; Vehanen, Kosti: Farewell; Johnson, Hall (arr.): City called heaven; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Oh Peter go ring-a dem bells; Payne, John (arr.): Crucifixion; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): I don't feel no-ways tired]; Fragile item: in plastic cover; same concert as 8786 #22
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