Anderson, Marian; Rupp, Franz; Fort Hill High School Auditorium; Hurok Attractions, Inc.
Ahle, Johann Georg: Brünstiges Verlangen; Gluck, Christoph Willibald: Vieni, che poi sereno, from Semiramide riconosciuta; Bellini, Vincenzo: Odiò la pastorella; Scarlatti, Alessandro: Le violette; Brahms, Johannes: Ein Wanderer : op. 105 no. 5; Brahms, Johannes: Unbewegte laue Luft : op. 57, no. 8; Brahms, Johannes: Auf dem See : op. 106 no. 2; Brahms, Johannes (arr.): Sapphische Ode : op. 94, no. 4; Brahms, Johannes: An die Tauben : op. 63 no. 4; Massenet, Jules: Ne me refuse pas, from Hérodiade; Britten, Benjamin (arr.): The Sally gardens; Thomas, Christopher J.: A maiden; Warlock, Peter (arr.): Yarmouth fair; Ireland, John: When lights go rolling round the sky; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Behold that star; Johnson, Hall (arr.): My good lord done been here; Molarsky, Delmar (arr): Where does the road lead?; Boatner, Edward (arr.): Soon I will be done
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