Anderson, Marian; Rupp, Franz; Hurok, Sol; Theatre St-Denis; Hurok Attractions, Inc.; Canadian Concerts & Artists Inc.
Handel, George Frideric: Tutta raccolta ancor; Handel, George Frideric: Piangerò la sorte mia, from Giulio Cesare; Handel, George Frideric: Ch'io mai vi possa; Handel, George Frideric: Arioso: Dank sei Dir, Herr; Schubert, Franz: Suleika I; Schubert, Franz: Liebesbotschaft; Schubert, Franz: Der Tod und das Mädchen; Schubert, Franz: Der Erlkönig; Massenet, Jules: Ne me refuse pas, from Hérodiade; Fauré, Gabriel: Automne : op. 18, no. 3; Fauré, Gabriel: Nell : op 18, no. 3; Saint-Saëns, Camille: La cloche; Saint-Saëns, Camille: Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix, from Samson et Dalila; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Oh, wasn't that a wide river; Forrest, Hamilton (arr.): He's got de whole world in his hands; MacGimsey, Robert (arr.): If he change my name; Burleigh, Harry Thacker (arr.): Ride on, King Jesus
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