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Amphitheater of Herod, the City Hosea Declared Would Become Desolate

Bain, Robert E. M.
1 photograph; b&w
Bertrand and Paola Lazard Holy Land Collection
Physical Description:
25.3 x 17.5 cm ( 9.875 x 7 in).
A valley with twelve black "pegs."; The photograph is in a book with a typed description. The description: "(Hosea xiii:16.)--'Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword.' The prophecy quoted above is literally fulfilled in this city. The remains of what is called the Amphitheater may be seen in the level place in the picture where there are pillars, that appear to be black pegs about the eighth of an inch in height. There are 12 of these. The reason why they seem to be so small is because our artist was at a considerable distance from them when this view was taken. The site of this ancient city of Ahab is still marked by the ruins of buildings which climb the side of the hill on which it stood. There is a narrow terrace which runs around this hill like a girdle. Below this terrace the declivity inclines gradually toward the valley. Higher up there are traces of other terraces along which it has been supposed the sides of the ancient city ran." See 5205BAI/LVi123CAJS (Voyager # 359192).; The photograph was not catalogued by Lazard--it was catalogued at LKCAJS.; Condition: Good
Lenkin Family Collection of Photography (University of Pennsylvania)