Colenda Digital Repository
Walnut Street Theatre. Philadelphia, September 7, 1869. Immense Hit. Second night Of the Engagement of Mrs. D. P. Bowers, Who will appear, for the second time, as Margueritte, in a Grand Sensation 5-Act Play, entitled Reaping the Tempest: supported by Mr. J.C. M'Collom as Jean Paul Bergen. Tuesday Evening, Sept'r 7th, 1869, The Performance will commence at 8 o'clk, with Overture-La Dame Blanche, Boieldien, After which will be presented a Powerful Sensational Play, translated from the French by M'me de Newville, in 5 Acts, entitled Reaping the Tempest, or, Margueritte the Wanderer. Margueritte, Mrs. D. P. Bowers ..